Our 18th and 19th Murals, Completed!

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LACOE E-Newsletter Feature 7/19/17

This year marks the completion of Theatre Of Hearts/Youth First (TOHYF) 18th and 19th large-scale, student driven original murals created through an ongoing collaboration with TOHYF, The Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE), and The Los Angeles County Probation Department. Since 1994, we have been working with students in LACOE schools at juvenile halls, probation camps, county community day schools, and special needs programs.

The California Arts Council, JumpstArts directly funded TOHYF for the “Wall of Humanity” at Central Juvenile Hall. TOHYF also received direct funds from the National Endowment For the Arts for the “Wall of No Success Without Struggle” at Challenger Memorial Youth Center.

From October 2016 to June 2017, 160 teenage students at Central Juvenile Hall School completed 300 hours of participation in our Literacy & Mural Project. At Christa McAuliffe School, 120 teenage students completed 252 hours.

TOHYF Artist Mentors worked alongside students to develop themes and imagery correlating to LACOE’s Road To Success Academy. Through these intensive art workshops, the “Wall of Humanity” and the “Wall of No Success Without Struggle” portray evocative blends of vivid colors, inspirational images, and motivational text that promote hope. These artworks stand as positive symbols of empowerment for the students to look beyond the mural walls and envision a brighter future.

Completed Mural Crop

The “Wall of Humanity” 15′ x 35′, acrylic paint, at Central Juvenile Hall.

Completed Mural Crop

The “Wall of No Success Without Struggle” 11′ x 30′, acrylic paint, at Challenger Memorial Youth Center.

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Sheila Scott-Wilkinson

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